3 Ways to Amplify Your Cause

The Māia way of working is founded on the Conscious Communications 5P’s principle, underpinned by the most important P: Purpose.

This was the theme of a recent webinar we were privileged to present for a rōpū of causes and charities across the motu. In collaboration with The Centre of Social Impact - Te Pūaha o te Ako, our talk covered how social impact causes can amplify their voices.

We shared the Māia journey and our conscious communications framework, then showcased cause-driven case studies, including the MindTheGap pay equity campaign and Rare Disorders Month. Mihi shared key kaupapa Māori case studies, including building the profile of kaupapa Māori energy retailer Nau Mai Rā, the iwi resilience and vaccination campaign with Ngāti Kuri, and communications for M9.

Most importantly, we shared our learnings from these campaigns for our cause-driven audience to put into action.

How can social impact kaupapa amplify their voices with limited time and budget? Here are our three top tips:

1. Start with purpose

This is your secret weapon. The more noble your cause, the more likely you’ll be able to build relationships with journalists, achieve media cut-through, and reach your audience. Hold your purpose close.

2. Cause leadership

You may have heard of the term ‘thought leadership’ – this is where you become a go-to person on a certain topic. We talk about ‘cause leadership’. This is about defining your cause, and then becoming the go-to leader in this space. Think of yourselves and your organisation as a cause leader. Whenever your cause is mentioned, you want to be seen. This isn’t about ego; it’s about advocacy.

3. 5 P’s

Go through the 5 P’s with your team. What’s your personal purpose and connection to this cause? People will have wonderful stories as to why this cause is important to them. Ask: What is the purpose of what we’re doing? What are we trying to achieve? What is the product we have, and is it fit for that purpose? Do we truly understand who we are serving and how they are part of our purpose? If you nail these 5 P’s, you won’t need as much promotion. It’s what we call ‘attraction marketing’ as opposed to push marketing.

Watch the full Te Pūaha Talk below.


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